Path Connect is a 12-week intensive online program for individuals who want to get serious about their professional path.

This Accelerator incorporates Dom’s personal practices and the systems by which DotConnecters learn the fundamentals of Talent Acquisition in order to help them enhance their learning agility and connect the dots to develop strategies for clients of DotConnect™ in a meaningful way.

DotConnect™ focuses on understanding their clients’ organizations quickly, balancing expectations with the needs of the company and helping hiring teams and managers understand the right Culture Add for their teams that aligns with the overall vision of the C-Suite at each and every company. 

Talent Advising is far more than recruiting; it is about embedding in an organization’s culture, understanding the company’s mission, vision and values, and helping teams hire the right people for all objectives and needs. 

This accelerator is for anyone who wants to be part of helping companies create teams that enhance their success for years to come. It is perfect for existing hiring managers and career transitioners alike.